Medion an animal health company actively provides education to get to know the world of animal husbandry, one of which is the veterinary pharmaceutical industry. This activity was realized in a joint visit of pharmacy students to Medion’s factory, Cimareme, Padalarang on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. A total of 32 students from 8 leading universities attended, including Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia, and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta.

In the first session, Apt. Bambang Irawan M.Si as Regulatory Affair Assistant Manager of Medion delivered material about Pharmaceutical Products. Then, Apt. Haikal Arif S.Farm as Product Management Assistant Manager of Medion presented the topic “Product Management: Revealing Pharmacist Role from Product Creation to Market Launch of Pharmaceutical Products”. The last presentation was delivered by Apt. Agung Setiawan Yahya S. Farm as Quality System Assurance Assistant Manager of Medion about Biological Product. Instead of just listening, students were given a case study to make it more interactive and sharpen their analytical thinking.
There was also alumni sharing from pharmacist graduates who work at Medion. In this session, the Medion team shared experiences about the scope of work, career opportunities, and preparation for entering the workforce. Students were also given the opportunity to share their stories with their peers. In addition, they were invited to a plant tour of the Animal Health Research Center and Pharmaceutical Product section to increase their knowledge about the production process at Medion

This program received a positive response from the students. It gave them a new perspective on the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of the students were previously only familiar with the human pharmaceutical industry. But, in this event, the students were introduced to the veterinary pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. The various series of events were very diverse and useful, ranging from the delivery of material to open discussions that could explore the abilities of the students. Medion always supports educational activities through various activities that can benefit the surrounding community. This is in line with Medioncare’s values of continuous learning, open-minded attitude, enthusiasm, and equal opportunity.