Poultry business is one of the promising industries because the circulation of money in it is very fast. However, this business has been hit by many challenges ranging from fluctuations in selling prices and feed prices, housing systems, disease attacks, to recent extreme weather stress.
often happens.

It takes patience and perseverance to run this two-legged animal business. As felt by Ali Akbar, who is a partner breeder from PT Inti Tani Satwa Kendari KL, whose address is at Laluyu Village, Konda District, Konawe Selatan Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

Breeding broilers and layers has been Akbar’s main focus for decades. He has experienced various obstacles, especially now that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has nevertheless been over.

“This year it is a bit tough, especially for broiler chickens. Laying hens, especially for the Southeast Sulawesi region, are still rather stable, quite good and not too low in price. “For slaughtered chickens during the pandemic the price fell from the HPP (cost of production),” said Akbar in an interview with Infovet.

In addition, explained Akbar, the distance factor between feed delivery and DOC also complements the challenges in his business. “Because in Southeast Sulawesi all the staple products are sent from Makassar, so it is usually late to arrive at the location of my pen such as feed and DOC. So the distribution route is quite long because there is no nearby feed factory. All supplied from Makassar and Surabaya. New feed arrives at the cage location for about 3-5 days, if DOC is about 28 hours away. This often causes the chicken to become stressed, “he explained.

These conditions make him have to be extra in paying attention to his livestock which now has reached tens of thousands of heads. “Sometimes the chickens are stressed on the way to the coop, they have also been exposed to heat stress. Already so, I still use an open house cage, so heat stress is sometimes a thing that can reduce performance, for example the weight of broiler chickens is not uniform. So we have to work extra on raising chickens aged 0-15 days before harvest, “said Akbar.

To outsmart this, he gives herbs in the form of curcuma extracts, multivitamins, amino acids and electrolytes to reduce stress and increase chicken appetite, or by administering infused water or a kind of water containing isotonic at around 0-7 days of age. However, it is still difficult to achieve a broiler body weight uniformity.

From there, he was advised to use FASBRO by Medion personnel to pursue a uniform body weight of chickens. “At first trial and error, it turns out the results are better. We give it at the age of 7-14 days to catch up with body weight. The dose used depends on the body weight of the chicken. In addition, the FCR is also more ideal. Indeed, the reaction is rather slow due to herbal medicine, but the results can pass the body weight from the specified standards, “explained Akbar.

FASBRO itself is a good herbal supplement to help optimize FCR, increase appetite and improve carcass quality in chickens.

“In addition, when 14 days old chickens experience digestive disorders, FASBRO is very fast to recover its health, especially since the side effects are relatively small. Apart from the initial maintenance, we also use FASBRO again before harvesting around 23-28 days, “he said. For more than a year using FASBRO, Akbar is very satisfied with what he got. “Achievement of chicken body weight
be maximized, so that it is more efficient and gets bonus body weight from the core company as a partner. It has been eight periods using FASBRO, so far it is very satisfying, ”he concluded.

He also hopes that the quality and quality of Medion products will continue to be maintained, so that breeders will be helped in running their business.

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