Tinolin Injection

Treat digestive and respiratory tract infections

Packaging : 100 mL


TINOLIN INJECTION is a sterile solution containing antibiotic which is effective in treating respiratory and digestive tract infections in poultry and livestock.

– Poultry :
Treat respiratory and digestive tract infection such as CRD (with colibacillosis or not), coryza, staphylococcosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, fowl cholera, necrotic enteritis

– Swine :
Treat Mycoplasma pneumonia, Pleuropneumonia, Mycoplasma arthritis, erysipelas, dysentry, colibacillosis, and enteritis

– Cow, sheep, goat :
Treat pneumonia, Ureaplasma, foot rot, arthritis

Inject intramuscularly with dosage :
– Poultry : 0.2 ml per kg of body weight, maximum administration for 3 days
– Cow sheep, goat : 1 ml per 10 kg of body weight, administer for 3 – 7 days

Tinolin Injection


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