Inactivated emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND) and egg drop syndrome 1976 (EDS ‘76) in poultry

Medivac ND-EDS Emulsion contains Newcastle disease (ND) virus of La Sota strain and Adenovirus 127 McFerran strain. The virus is emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant. Each dose contains at least 50 PD50 ND virus and 1,000 HA Unit Adenovirus 127
Dosage and Administration
• Inject Medivac ND-EDS Emulsion to each chicken intramuscularly (through muscle) on thigh/breast
or subcutaneously (under the skin) at the lower back of the neck
• Before Medivac ND-EDS Emulsion vaccination, chickens should already been vaccinated
using live ND vaccine to achieve an excellent immunity against ND
• The dosage is 0.5 ml per chicken
Bottles of 50, 100, 250 and 500 ml
Registration Number
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 06011519 VKC. 2
China : (2007)

Philippines : VBPR No. R-853
Vietnam : MDI-12
Pakistan : 033207
East Malaysia : DA.2465/4A/SARAWAKVET/(74)
West Malaysia : TACB 56/08