

Vitamins for poultry

Packaging : 10 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g


vitamins for poultry INDICATION• To stimulate growth and reduce stress• To stimulate egg production and hatchability• To maintain feed conversion• To support treatment of infectious diseases as well as to overcome vitamin deficiencies DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATION• Stimulate growth, reduce mortality,


Vaccine Pharmaceutical Premix Mediherba Vaccine AI Medivac AI Medivac AI 0.3 Medivac AI 0.3 H5N1 2.3 Medivac AI H5N1 & H9N2 Subtype Medivac AI H5N1 2.3 Medivac AI H9N2 Medivac AI H9N2 0.3 Vaccine Coryza Medivac Coryza B Medivac Coryza