for laying quails

• Increase egg production
• Keeping the egg production remains high during stress due to weather changes, house relocation etc
• Maintain egg production rate at the higest rating point although low quality of feed or when feed changes
• Prevent stress, overcome vitamins and protein deficiencies, accelerating the attainment
of high egg production, increase body resistenace against diseases:
1 gram per 1 liter of drinking water
• Improve feed efficiency, increase egg production and hatchability:
1 gram per 2 liters of drinking water
Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight
Glass : 2 sachets @ 50 g
Plastic container : 10 sachets @ 50 g
: 10 sachets @ 100 g
Dos : 20 sachets @ 250 g
For veterinary use only
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 1207799 FTS.2
Vietnam : 240-07/09-CN