Inactivated emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND),
infectious bronchitis (IB) and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease in poultry

Medivac ND-IB-IBD Emulsion contains Newcastle disease (ND) virus of La Sota strain, infectious bronchitis of Massachusetts 41 strain and infectious bursal disease (IBD)/Gumboro disease virus of Winterfield 2512 strain. Each virus is inactivated and emulsified in mineral oil adjuvant. Each dose contains at least 50 PD50 ND virus, 2 neutralization index IB virus and 800 serum neutralization IBD virus
Dosage and Administration
• Inject Medivac ND-IB-IBD Emulsion to each chicken intramuscularly (through muscle) on thigh/breast
or subcutaneously (under the skin) at the lower back of the neck
• The dosage is 0.5 ml per chicken
• Medivac ND-IB-IBD Emulsion is given to chickens in combination with or which have been vaccinated
using live ND, IB & IBD vaccine
Bottle of 100, 250 and 500 ml
Registration Number
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 06012316 VTC.1
Philippines : VBPR No. R-634
Vietnam : MDI-49
East Malaysia : DA.2465/4A/SARAWAKVET/(76)
West Malaysia : TACB 03/08
Pakistan : 059196