against disease in quail

• CRD (snoring)
• Coryza (cold, swollen face)
• Pullorum (whitish droppings, appear to be feeling cold)
• Coccidiosis (blood-stained droppings, weakness, soiled wings, ruffled feathers)
• Prevention:
0.1 gram per kg of body weight or 1 gram per 2 liters of drinking water, administered for 2-3 consecutive days
• Treatment:
0.2 gram per kg of body weight or 1 gram per 1 liter of drinking water, administered for 5-7 consecutive days
Store in a tightly closed container, in a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight
Plastic container : 10 sachets @ 100 g
For veterinary use only
Under licensed veterinarian prescription
Indonesia : KEMENTAN RI No. D 11031393 PKS.2